Viziscience® APP Privacy Policy

Effective Date: July 22, 2024


At Viziscience® (a trademark of Viziscience®), we are committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy explains how VZSmartPlanner, an add-on application developed by Viziscience®, interacts with your data while operating under Meerwebs LLC.

What Data Does VZSmartPlanner Access?

VZSmartPlanner operates within your Google Workspace environment and does not collect any personal information from you. It only accesses and interacts with the user-generated content within the Google Workbook you choose to use with the add-on. This content helps VZSmartPlanner generate visual charts and pacing guide spreadsheets, and calendars specific to your needs.

How Does VZSmartPlanner Use Your Data?

  • Generating Spreadsheets and Visual Charts: When you click buttons like “Timeline”, “Lessons”, “Visual Chart”, or “Pacing Guide”, VZSmartPlanner uses the content within your Google Workbook to create formatted spreadsheets and visual charts based on your content you input. These generated outputs replace any previously generated content by VZSmartPlanner within the same spreadsheet.
  • Creating Google Calendars: Clicking the “Google Calendar” button allows VZSmartPlanner to access your Google Doc content to generate calendars related to your lesson plan within your Google account. It does not modify or delete any existing Google calendars you may have created.

What Data Does VZSmartPlanner NOT Access?

  • VZSmartPlanner does not access, use, store, or share any of your Google account information.
  • It does not access or interact with any user-generated content outside the Google Workbook you choose to use with the add-on.

Data Sharing

VZSmartPlanner does not share any user-generated content or data with any third parties.

Your Rights

Since VZSmartPlanner doesn’t collect any personal information, there’s no user data to manage or delete. However, you have full control over the user-generated content within your Google Workbook and Google Calendar, and can choose what information VZSmartPlanner uses to generate the outputs.

Google User Data and Limited Use Compliance

VZSmartPlanner respects your privacy. We use Google user data only for VZSmartPlanner functionalities within Google Sheets, complying with Google API Services User Data Policy (including Limited Use).

For more details about Google’s data practices, please refer to the Google API Services User Data Policy: Google API Services User Data Policy.