Math ReviewImportant Math SkillsExponents and Scientific NotationSignificant Figures – Quick ReviewCalculator & ExponentsLogarithm & pHMental Math – Tips and TricksUNIT 11. Atomic Structure and Properties1.1 Atoms, Isotopes, Atomic Weight1.2 Mole & Molar Mass1.3 The Periodic Table1.4 (a) Elemental Composition of pure substances1.4 (b) Composition of Mixtures1.5 (i) Naming Compounds (Covalent)1.5 (ii) Naming Compounds (Ionic)1.5 (iii) Naming Polyatomic Ions1.6 Electron Configurations1.7 The Order of Electron Filling1.8 Photoelectron Spectroscopy (PES)1.9 Periodic Trends…..✏️ Periodic TrendsUNIT 22. Molecular and Ionic Compound2.1 Lewis Structure (Ionic Compounds)2.2 Lewis Structure (Covalent Compounds)2.3 Formal Charges, Polyatomic & Resonance…..✏️✏️ Lewis Structure2.4 Ionic Solids, Metals, and Alloys2.5 VSEPR (PhET)2.6 Bond HybridizationUNIT 33. Intermolecular Forces and Properties3.1 Intermolecular Forces…..✏️ Intermolecular Forces3.2 Avogadro’s Law & Dalton’s Law3.3 Kinetic Molecular Theory3.4 Ideal Gas Law & Deviation3.5 Electromagnetic Radiation3.6 Beer-Lambert LawUNIT 44. Chemical Reactions4.1 Balancing Equations4.2 Balancing Complex Equations4.3 Stoichiometry4.4 Limiting Reactant & Percent Yield4.5 Solutions & Dilutions…..✏️ Solutions extra practice4.6 Acids and Bases – Introduction…..✏️✏️ Acids & Bases4.7 Types of Chemical Reactions4.8 Oxidation Number4.9 Half-Reactions4.10 Redox – Acidic/Basic Half-Reactions…..✏️ Oxidation Numbers…..✏️✏️ Balancing Redox…..✏️✏️ Redox ReactionsUNIT 55. Kinetics5.1 Collision Theory5.2 Reaction Rates & Rate Law5.3 Concentration vs Time5.4 Reaction Mechanism & Rate Law…..✏️✏️ Instantaneous Rate…..✏️✏️ Rate LawUNIT 66. Thermodynamics6.1 Bond Energy…..✏️✏️ Bond Energy6.2 Bond Length & Bond Order…..✏️✏️ Bond Order6.3 Enthalpy & Calorimetry6.4 Energy of Phase Changes6.5 Hess’s LawUNIT 77. Equilibrium7.1 Equilibrium & Le Châtelier7.2 KEQ & Properties7.3 ICE table7.4 Solubility Equilibria (Ksp)UNIT 88. Acids and Bases8.1 Strong and Weak Acids and Bases8.2 pH, pOH, Ka, Kb, Kw8.3 Neutralization & Net Ionic Equations8.4 Introduction to Buffers8.5 Titration – Strong Acid Strong Base8.6 Titration – Weak Acid Strong Base8.7 Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation8.8 Polyprotic Acids8.9 Molecular structure of Acids and Bases…..✏️✏️ TitrationUNIT 99. Applications of Thermodynamics9.1 Laws of Thermodynamics9.2 Absolute Entropy and Entropy Change9.3 Gibbs Free Energy9.4 Thermodynamic and Kinetic9.5 Free Energy & Equilibrium9.6 Coupled Reactions9.7 Electrochemical Cells9.8 Standard Cell Potentials9.9 Non-Standard Cell Potentials9.10 Electrolysis & Faraday’s Law