Forum Policy

Rules for using the Discussion Forums

General Behaviour – Forum Users must not transmit to any Discussion Forum (“Post”) any Message, or knowingly receive via a Discussion Forum (“Access”) any Message that is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent, offensive, threatening, abusive, bullying, harassing, tortuous, indecent, obscene, defamatory, invasive of another’s privacy, or discriminatory whether racially, ethnically, sexually, religiously or otherwise, or which may incite or instruct any person or organisation to undertake such activities. The persistent posting of critical messages that focus on other forum members is an example of behaviour that is harassing.

Use of Language – Forum Users must not Post or Access Messages containing language that is in any way unlawful, threatening or offensive. This includes the use of swear-words, bad language and offensive nicknames. Care should be taken with the use of language with attention given to tact and diplomacy and being non-judgmental. Remember that members may have low confidence, or be quite emotional and take replies in ways other than intended, or out of context. However also remember that everyone has different writing styles and that you may be reading something out of context, or other than intended.

Breach of Confidence – Forum Users must not Post or Access Messages that might in any way breach the confidence or privacy of another individual. For example, email addresses, names, individual’s school, etc. of the individual or any friends must not be posted on the website.

Breach of Intellectual Property – Forum Users must not Post or Access Messages that might in any way infringe any patent, trade mark (including Trade Marks), trade secret, copyright, database right or in any other way violates the legal rights of any third party.

Impersonation – Forum Users must not impersonate any person or identity, falsely state or otherwise misrepresent their affiliation with a person or organisation or disguise the origin of any content of a Message.

Forum Users post as individuals, they can state their background and experience but unless authorized to do so should refrain from making repeated references to other services that they may work or volunteer for.

Any questions or answers posted will be moderated before being published. VIZISCIENCE reserves the right to unpublish and question or comments at our sole discretion.

Comments containing any of the following content will not be tolerated on our website:

Seemingly threatening, abusive, harassing, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane, indecent, defamatory, or libelous material.
Statements that are known to be intentionally false or misleading.
Offers to sell or buy any product or service.
Material that is known to infringe copyright.
Material that discriminates on the basis of race, religion, nationality, gender, sexual preference, age, region, or disability.
Information that is known to be confidential, sensitive or otherwise in breach of the law.
Computer generated comments, commonly known as “spam.
Comments that are judged to be unrelated or extraneous to the post, article or story to which they are intended to refer, comment or appear.

By uploading or otherwise submitting a Comment to our site, you hereby grant VIZISCIENCE and its sublicensees the right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display and create derivative works from such content including, but not limited to, permission to VIZISCIENCE and its sublicensees to publish or republish your Comment and username elsewhere on a website VIZISCIENCE or another controls and to publish or republish your Comment and username in printed materials. In addition, by uploading or otherwise submitting such content to our site you represent and warrant that (i) you have the right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display and create derivative works from such content as well as the right to grant to us and our sublicensees the same; and (ii) such content does not infringe the rights of any third party.